Mandalina Psoma, The Birthday, 2002, oil on canvas, 40x50cm, Courtesy Rebecca Camhi Gallery

Poka-Yio, Parfait, 2009, oil on canvas, 50x50cm, Courtesy Loraini Alimantiri Gazonrouge, Athens

Nicos Charalambidis, Good Walls Make Good Neighbors, 1997, video: concept, design, camera Nicos Charalambidis; Kurt Schwitters played by Angelos Papadimitriou. Unique work, Courtesy the Artist

Scott Treleaven, A Shade, 2009, black & white c-print, 50x75cm, ed. 1/3, Courtesy The Breeder, Athens

Konstantin Kakanias, Young Μan Wanted (Πινακίδα Ζητείται Νεαρός), 2003, tempera on paper, 87x66cm, Courtesy Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens

Jeremy Kost, Coney Island Story (Sean), 2009, framed Polaroid collage, 44x44cm, Courtesy the Artist, www.jeremykost.com

Petros Chrisostomou, Ejaculation, 2008, color photograph, 40x30cm, unique print, Courtesy Xippas Gallery, Athens